CDA® Renewal Amnesty Program

Make your CDA credential active again!


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The CDA® Renewal Amnesty Program is BACK for a Limited Time!

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the CDA®. As part of the celebration, the Council is offering a limited-time CDA® Renewal Amnesty Program. This program provides an opportunity for anyone with a CDA expiration date as far back as January 1, 2020, to complete the renewal process and make their credential active again.

  • Expiration date as far back as January 1, 2020
  • Must meet all current renewal requirements
  • Apply online using YourCouncil (click here to learn how to access your account)

The program is available from February 1, 2025, to July 31, 2025 (11:59 PM EST).

All applications and payments ($125) must be submitted online by July 31, 2025 (11:59 PM EST). No exceptions or extensions will be granted.

Start preparing today by downloading the free CDA® Renewal Procedures Guide available on the Council’s website. The CDA® Renewal Procedures Guide provides detailed information about the renewal requirements. Be sure to allow yourself enough time to obtain the requirements needed to take advantage of this limited-time opportunity.

NOTE: If you have already mailed a new initial application because your credential expired, you must proceed with the initial application process.

  • Opportunity for career advancement
  • Continued professional development
  • Reinforce your commitment to the early childhood profession
  • National recognition as a holder of the only competency-based early childhood credential

What is the Renewal Amnesty Program?

The Renewal Amnesty Program is a limited-time opportunity for candidates whose CDA® credential has expired to complete the renewal process. Anyone with a credential expiration date as far back as January 1, 2020, is eligible to renew under this program.

How long will this program run?

February 1, 2025, to July 31, 2025 (11:59 PM EST).

Why should I renew now after so many years?

The Council acknowledges the growing need for additional CDA holders in many states. In addition, many local and state governments and agencies have enacted or are considering policies requiring a CDA early childhood education credential for various levels of early childhood educators. The Renewal Amnesty Program is designed to help quickly meet this increased demand for CDA-credentialed early childhood educators.

The COVID-19 pandemic led to significant attrition in the early childhood education field, with many educators leaving their positions. The CDA Renewal Amnesty Program offers a valuable opportunity for these professionals to return to the field. By renewing their credentials, they can re-enter the workforce and continue their important work in early childhood education.

I no longer work in the early childhood field but would like to renew my credential. Can I still renew?

Even if you are no longer working in the early childhood field, you can still renew your credential by fulfilling all the renewal requirements. This will involve arranging to work or volunteer with children. Your work with children must be current (within the past year) and in the same setting and age group as the credential you are renewing.

Can I receive an extension if I will not meet all the renewal requirements by July 31, 2025?

The Renewal Amnesty Program was announced in December of 2024 to allow candidates time to obtain any renewal requirements before the launch of the program on February 1, 2025. The program ends July 31, 2025 (11:59 pm EST), no exceptions or extensions will be granted.

How old can my training be?

Training cannot be older than three years at the time you submit your renewal application.

Can my training be waived?

None of the renewal requirements can be waived. To renew under the Renewal Amnesty Program, you must meet all current renewal requirements. Please refer to the Renewal Procedures Guides:

Why can I only apply online when previously I was able to apply via paper application?

To be eligible to participate in the Renewal Amnesty Program, you must apply online. The process is faster, easier, and more efficient. By limiting the Renewal Amnesty Program to online submissions, the Council can provide a better customer service experience to the CDA community.

I just submitted $425 to re-apply for an initial credential because I missed my renewal date. Can I be reimbursed?

If you have mailed or submitted a new initial application because you missed your renewal deadline date you must proceed with the initial application process. Processing of the application and payment cannot be interrupted. The initial application fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable.

How can I check the status of my application?

You will receive automated emails from regarding the status of your renewal application. Be sure to place this email address on your “safe list” to ensure the emails are not blocked or sent to your junk/spam folder.

Log into your account periodically to check the status of your application. You will also be able to access your Message History in your account in the event you do not receive the automated emails sent your email address.

I submitted a renewal application last year, but my application was closed because I did not submit the additional documentation that was requested. Can I continue the renewal process under the Renewal Amnesty Program?

If you qualify to renew under the Renewal Amnesty Program, you must submit a new renewal application and payment. Your previous renewal record cannot be opened.

How do I create an online account in YourCouncil?

As a renewal candidate, you already have an existing account in YourCouncil. You do not need to create a new account. To learn how to access your account watch this short video.

What is the processing timeframe for my renewal application?

We expect the Renewal Amnesty Program to increase the number of renewal applications.

Processing time typically ranges from 2-3 business days but can extend up to ten business days. Applications are processed in the order they are received. Processing times may vary due to several factors, including the volume of applications.