Virtual Experience: Building Strong Futures

August 25, 2021

Are you looking for a chance to connect online with ECE experts and network with your peers? Join the Council at the Virtual Experience: Building Strong Futures on October 6-8, 2021. Your registration will include live streaming of select sessions from the Early Educators Leadership Conference (EELC) and exclusive online presentations by prominent voices in the field. We know you want to touch base with colleagues and advocates for youngsters. So, the Virtual Experience will host an online networking event to keep you connected to the  ECE community we serve.

Take a peek at all this conference has to offer and register for what should be a meaningful event. We look forward to meeting you in the virtual world. Discounts are available for a limited time:

  • The first 100 to register will receive a 10% discount*
  • Groups of five or more will receive a 15% discount*

The Virtual Experience: Building Strong Futures

October 6-8, 2021

Learn more and register today!

*Note: Discounts are available for a limited time as determined by the Council for Professional Recognition and are for the sole purpose of registering for the Virtual Experience: Building Strong Futures conference. Individual and group discounts cannot be combined or used in conjunction with any other offers or purchases.


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