Child Care Policy Advocacy 101 Webinar Series

October 27, 2022

Want to learn more about what’s happening with child nutrition? Want to sharpen your advocacy skills? Join us for the first installment of our new Child Care Policy Advocacy 101 webinar series!

During this webinar, Mary Beth Testa, former Deputy Executive Director at the Early Care & Education Consortium, will walk us through the current child nutrition landscape and provide a legislative outlook. During her discussion, Mary Beth will share her deep knowledge on a range of relevant topics: from child care legislation and regulations to how to connect policy and practice, with a special focus on family child care. Her expertise is based on more than 20 years of experience in team building, advocacy and policy development. She has led advocacy campaigns across a variety of states and at the federal level, representing and building coalitions with child care providers, child care resource and referral agencies, home visiting programs and the Children’s Defense Fund.

Take advantage of the chance to benefit from her guidance and then hear from our in-house team of policy experts on ways to take the first steps in your advocacy journey. We will cover basics like how to use social media, contact your members of Congress—and more to steer you in advocating for children. Help them receive the high-quality nutrition that’s needed by growing bodies and minds.

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