The 2021-2022 Benchmark Report Webinar

April 27, 2022

Are you aware that over 48% of child care centers are currently understaffed? Would you like to know about other ways that COVID has affected our field? And do you want answers to the biggest questions providers are posing now? Learn more about the state of ECE, by reading the 2021-2022 Childcare Benchmark Report produced by HiMama. The Council is proud to once again partner with HiMama to provide this yearly report, and you can get our insights about it on Thursday, May 12. Hear from Council CEO Dr. Calvin E. Moore, Jr. as he discusses the report with other leaders in the field. Sign up to view the event live or to receive a recording if you are unable to attend that day. Stay in the know about the issues affecting our field. Register today!


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