Community College Extends Benefits to CDA Students Seeking Early Childhood Education Degree

May 25, 2018
For Immediate Release :
May 25, 2018
For More Information :

Ken Murphy

Anne Arundel Community College (AACC)in Maryland is providing three career development opportunities for early childhood education(ECE) students pursuing an initial or renewal Child Development Associate (CDA®) Credential and an associate degree in early childhood education (ECE).

The TEACH Institute at Anne Arundel Community College offers three programs that allow ECE students to take classes required to earn a CDA. Anne Arundel Community College will also provide up to six hours of credit toward an associate’s degree for qualified students who successfully complete and meet the requirements of either a 120-hour CDA Credential or Hybrid 30-hourprogram.

  • An online 120-hourChild Development Associate(CDA®)Credentialprogram: Upon successful completion of this program, students receive an AACC continuing education certificate andstudents will be prepared for the CDA by the Council for Professional Recognition.
  • A hybrid 30-hourCDA Boot Camp:This program, in combination with the 90-hour lead teacher qualifying course work, will equal the 120-hours of formal early childhood education needed to apply for the CDA credential. Participants createa portfolio, prepare for the CDA application process, review for the CDA exam and work with an advisor to prepare for the CDA verification visit.
  • A Pathway to Higher Education: Students who successfully complete one of the above programs and earnsa CDA can receive up to sixcollege credit hours towards an Early Childhood A.A.S. or A.A.T degree program when enrolled at AACC.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for early childhood educators beginning or continuing down the ECE career path. The CDA® provides a great stepping stone in the early childhood education career ladder, especially when combined with an associate degree,” Valora Washington, chief executive officer, Council for Professional Recognition said. “Students supported by the Anne Arundel Community College early education curriculum will also meet Maryland’s educational requirements for early childhood educators.”

CDA Credentialed early childhood education professionals are trained in both educational methods and hands-on competencies for working with very young children ages zero to five years old. CDA’s work in a variety of educational settings including:pre-k, infant-toddler, family child care, and home visitor.


The Council for Professional Recognition promotes improved performance and recognition of professionals in the early childhood education of children ages zero to 5 years old. The Council recognizes and credentials professionals who work in all types of early care and education settings –Head Start, pre-k, infant-toddler, family child care, and home visitor programs. As a non-profit agency, the Council sets policies and procedures for assessment and credentialing, publishes the industry leading training books and workbooks, including the CDA Competency Standards and Essentials textbook and workbook (2ndedition) available in English and Spanish.


Anne Arundel Community College For more than 50 years, Anne Arundel Community College (AACC) has proudly served the diverse needs of Anne Arundel County by bringing educational excellence and innovation to our community and region. Students of all ages continually redefine themselves through 225 programs of study and more than 3,500 courses.

Established in 1961, AACC is a fully accredited, nationally recognized, public, two-year institution and the largest single-campus community college in Maryland, serving nearly 50,000 students annually in credit and noncredit courses.

AACC offers credit programs leading to an associate degree or credit certificate that prepare students for transfer to a four-year institution or to move into an immediate career.

In addition, the college offers noncredit continuing professional education courses, 140 continuing education certificates and more than 30 workforce credentials to those seeking career training or retraining, working to boost basic skills or pursuing new areas of interest. AACC also provides extensive lifelong learning opportunities for all ages.


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