Council for Professional Recognition Launches New Website

June 3, 2021
For Immediate Release :
June 3, 2021
For More Information :

Usma Mohamed

WASHINGTON, DC — Over the last year, the Council for Professional Recognition has seen growth in the number of candidates seeking to earn the Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ and to best serve the growing community, the Council has redesigned its website to provide a modern and seamless experience to anyone who comes to the website.

The Council spent the last eight months gathering feedback from various stakeholder groups, including current and prospective CDAs, with the goal of providing an intuitive, user-friendly experience.

The new website features include:

  • Modern look and feel with easy-to-use functionality
  • Self-identified options for the user (e.g., educators, parents)
  • Entire site available in Spanish
  • In-depth search options

The Council’s CEO, Dr. Calvin Moore, Jr., says, “We are thrilled that more people are interested in earning their CDA. I believe every educator working with young children should have the skills gained from this credential. The new website will allow new and existing members of the community a streamlined experience.”

Visitors to the new website can learn more about the pathway features through our latest blog, A New Website for a New Era: 7 Pathways Designed for You.

For more information about the Council, visit


The Council for Professional Recognition promotes improved performance and recognition of professionals in the early childhood education of children ages birth to 5 years old. The Council recognizes and credentials professionals who work in all types of early care and education settings including Head Start, pre-k, infant-toddler, family childcare, and home visitor programs. As a nonprofit organization, the Council sets policies and procedures for assessment and credentialing. To date, over 800,000 CDA credentials have been issued around the world. For more information, visit


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