Vernon College Students Earn Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential

May 22, 2017
For Immediate Release :
May 22, 2017
For More Information :

Ken Murphy

The Council for Professional Recognition (the Council) and Vernon College of Vernon, Texas are supporting Child Development Associate(CDA®) Credential students with new early childhood education (ECE) courses. These classes are to align with the formal ECE training hours required by the Council to obtain a new CDA Credential or renew an existing credential.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for the Council and Vernon College to help ensure CDA students receive the quality early childhood education courses that they need to apply fora CDA,” Valora Washington, chief executive officer for the Council for Professional Recognition said.“Vernon College’s professional development courses serve as a convenient option for students currently working in a center-based, family child care, and/or home visitor setting,who want to pursue classes at Vernon that count towards the 120 hours of formal education training required to earn a CDA credential.”

Vernon College integrates education with opportunity through instructional and student support services by means of traditional learning methods. The school provides career technical/workforce programs up to two years in length leading to: associate degrees or certificates, and employment in semi-skilled and skilled occupations. For CDA Candidates, Child Development Units offered through Vernon College will lead to a Continuing Education Unit for further studies.


The Council for Professional Recognition promotes improved performance and recognition of professionals in the early childhood education of children ages zero to 5 years old. The Council recognizes and credentials professionals who work in all types of early care and education settings –Head Start, pre-k, infant-toddler, family child care, and home visitor programs. As non-profit agency, the Council sets policies and procedures for assessment and credentialing, publishes the industry leading training books and workbooks,including its CDA Competency Standards and Essentials textbook and workbook, both are 2nd edition.


Vernon College –Century City Center is a comprehensive community college that integrates education with opportunity through our instructional programs and student support services by means of traditional and distance learning modes. Therefore, to fulfill its mission, the College will provide access, within its available resources, to:

  • Career technical/workforce programs up to two years in length leading to associate degrees or certificates;
  • Career technical/workforce programs leading directly to employment in semi-skilled and skilled occupations;
  • Freshman and sophomore courses in arts and sciences, including the new core and field of study curricula leading to associate and baccalaureate degrees;
  • Ongoing adult education programs for occupational upgrading or personal enrichment;
  • Compensatory education programs designed to fulfill the commitment of an admissions policy allowing the enrollment of disadvantaged students;
  • A continuing program of counseling and guidance designed to assist students in achieving their individual educational goals;
  • Career technical/workforce development programs designed to meet local and statewide needs;
  • Support services for educational programs and college-related activities;
  • Adult literacy and other basic skills programs for adults; and
  • Such other programs as may be prescribed by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board or local governing boards in the best interest of postsecondary education in Texas.

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