Welcome to the Council Blog

September 25, 2015

blog imageWelcome to the Council and thank you for checking out our new blog. It is with great excitement that the Council takes the first step in the world of blogging to communicate with all of you and have conversations with everyone who values early childhood education and our organization. Here you will find news about the Council, latest research and best practices in ECE, public policy initiatives, upcoming conferences and much more. Our goal with this blog is to create another avenue where we can offer useful tips about the CDA Credential, share candidates’ success stories, and host opinions on how early childhood education can be the window of opportunity for every child. In the coming weeks our CEO, Dr. Valora Washington, will introduce herself on the blog and share a little bit more about her professional career and our organization.


As you may already know, this year, the Council is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the first CDA award. As part of the celebration, we are creating new platforms to communicate and share our remembrances, acknowledge present accomplishments and look to a future bright with the promise of a more unified and qualified profession.

In addition, The Council for Professional Recognition is moving forward in building partnerships with key organizations that are committed to excellence in the field of early childhood care and education by promoting leadership and quality training. In fact, this month the Council is extending its reach through partnerships with Monroe College to enable its students to earn the Council’s Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. Stay tuned for more partnership initiatives in the coming months, which we will communicate through our blog.

We invite you to continue following us on social media to stay up to date with the Council’s latest news. If you already follow us on Facebook, keep an eye out for our CDA Friday Morning Spotlight. Every Friday morning we feature one Candidate and celebrate their CDA Credential. If you would like to become a part of the CDA Friday Morning Spotlight, please send an email to ClaudinaH@cdacouncil.org with your information and we will contact you about the date you will be featured. We look forward to receiving your story!

We will be updating this blog frequently to keep you updated on the happening at the Council in the wider early child care world.

Follow us on the Council’s Social Media Channels:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/cdacouncil
Twitter: @cdacouncil
LinkedIn: Council for Professional Recognition
Instagram: @cdacouncil


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