ECE News

August 20, 2024

Family Child Care Could be the Solution for More Access to Pre-K for Rural Families

Chris Nelson teaches preschool in rural Vermont, just a few miles from the Canadian border, but not in the school or child care center most people think of when they imagine state or locally funded pre-K.

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Early Childhood Education Endures in Natural Disasters

Houston, a leading national non-profit organization working to transform the lives of underserved, under-resourced families, has experienced two major natural disasters in recent months: a derecho and then Hurricane Beryl.

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Early Education is the Most Segregated Learning Space

It’s been 70 years since the Supreme Court’s pivotal Brown vs. Board of Education ruling that racially segregated schools are unequal and unconstitutional.

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Bilingual Preschoolers Shouldn’t Automatically be Tagged with ‘At-Risk’ Label

Despite record-high enrollment and spending on state-funded preschool programs in the 2022-23 school year, the early childhood education sector still faces a wave of uncertainty precipitated in part by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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