2024 EELC Corner

August 20, 2024

EELC: Igniting Innovation in Early Childhood:

From Passion to Action

All good things must come to an end, as the old saying goes. And these are words to keep in mind as the date of the Early Educators Leadership Conference comes near. The EELC opens in less than two months, and limited space remains, so this is a timely reminder. Make sure you don’t miss out when we meet on October 16-19 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC. Register today!

Many of your colleagues have already signed up for a conference to remember. The EELC is not only a chance for you to learn from leaders in our field. You’ll also have ample time to network with peers and discover new ways to nurture your body and mind. The exploration continues when you design your personal Passport Journey to experience highlights and landmarks of DC.    

Passport Journeys | Thursday, October 18 | 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM*

  • National Mall Meander: Explore the Heart of the Nation

Join us for a refreshing journey around the National Mall. Enjoy a leisurely walk while you take in the stirring landscape and iconic sights. Feel free to go it on your own or join our group trip, led by a Council staff member. There’s no set destination for our communal trip so you’ll have plenty of time to make connections with colleagues as you view scenes where our nation’s history was made.

  • National Portrait Gallery: Journey to Art

Embark on an enriching journey with fellow attendees as we take a Metro ride to the National Portrait Gallery. Enjoy a group trip accompanied by a staff member or venture out on your own if you prefer. We’ll provide the Metro card, and the museum is free to enter. Join us in the hotel lobby for a short, two-block walk to the Farragut North Red Line station. Then meet up with old friends and make new ones while you view the faces of famed Americans across time.

  • Walking Tour: The Women’s History Mile

Discover how women have shaped history in DC. Join a professional tour guide who will whisk you safely around the city to many spots, ranging from funky neighborhoods to federal sites, where women have left their mark. The tour’s capacity is 50 people, so remember it’s first come, first served. Sign up soon to see how women have made an impact in the public and private sector. Hear the stories of their contributions to bureaucracy and business, science and sports, medicine and the armed forces, art, activism and more.

  • Staycation Serenity: Relax, Explore and Engage

Enrich and enjoy yourself without leaving the conference venue. Our Staycation features a mindfulness workshop, a range of unique vendors and interactive hands-on activities to keep you engaged. Rewind for the important work you do and rev up to do even more. Spend a day on self-care so you can take even better care of the children you serve—the goal of the EELC.

The Council cares about how you feel because we agree with Maya Angelou that “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” So, don’t delay and join us at an event that you will remember. You’ll leave the EELC feeling good about yourself and about our field.


*All journeys take place on Thursday, October 18 at 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM. Select the journey that appeals to you most and get more details about it when you check in.


EELC 2024 Sponsors


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