PDS Appreciation Program

December 16, 2024

The Council would like to take a moment to tell our PD Specialists how grateful we are for your contributions. We would also like you to know that we are constantly looking for ways to recognize all you do. And now we are pleased to offer an appreciation payment to PD Specialists who completed verification visits between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2024.

The bonus structure is as follows:

  • $500 for completing 100+ visits 
  • $250 for completing 50-99 visits 
  • $150 for completing 5-49 visits 

We will distribute these payments on January 21, 2025. Please allow up to 30 days after this date for the payments to be processed and received before contacting the Council to inquire about your payment status.

Important Notes:

  • Volunteer PD Specialists are not eligible for payment.
  • Agencies will be contacted directly and paid the appropriate incentives.
  • To receive your payment, you must first submit your ACH and W9 information.

If you need to update your banking information, please send your request to pdsforms@cdacouncil.org by January 7, 2025. We will respond to these requests by January 14, 2025. So, please don’t submit duplicate requests before this date.

But do realize how much we value your sense of dedication. Granted, this bonus is just a small token to reward the big role you play in the Council’s work. So, we’re still looking for ways to honor your efforts. There’s more in store because we’re grateful for what you do—and so are our rising CDAs.

Kind regards,

The ECE Observation Systems Team


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