CDA Gold Standard Application Season Reopens Oct. 1 – 31, 2018

September 27, 2018

Published by CounciLINK on September 27, 2018

CDA GS bannerAlmost everywhere the Council goes, we hear from CDA candidates and ECE employers who want a reliable source for early childhood education training, with content aligned to the Council’s CDA Subject Areas, and the assurance an organization has strong business practices. That’s why the Council created the CDA Gold Standard. The Gold Standard successfully launched in June 2018. During the one-month application period, more than 80 organizations submitted the June application cycle.

Now, qualified organizations can apply for the CDA Gold Standard, starting Oct. 1. This cycle will close Oct. 31. If your CDA training organization is interested in applying for a CDA Gold Standard recognition, please note:

The application cycle is open for a limited time – Oct. 1-Oct. 31, 2018

1. To be eligible to apply, organizations must meet two (2) pre-qualifications:

  1. Must have offered CDA® coursework for at least the past three full and consecutive calendar years without interruption of services*
  2. Must provide services that support CDA® students throughout their CDA® training and application process

2. Gold Standard is only available for organizations; individual consultants are not eligible
3. For more information on the Gold Standard, please refer to the website or brochure
4. The Gold Standard handbook is available for purchase at The Council Store


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