ECE News

October 24, 2023

Congress Must Reinvigorate the Nation’s Head Start Program 

Our country is facing an urgent crisis: the early-educator shortage. Earlier this year, the National Head Start Association reported that 19% of Head Start staff positions were vacant nationwide, leading to the closure of 20% of all Head Start classrooms.

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A Workforce Crisis is Damaging Families’ Access to Therapies for Babies with Developmental Delays

All U.S. states and territories accept federal funding for this program. But staffing shortages have reached critical levels in recent years.

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Free Daycare for Teachers’ Kids Could Help Fix the Crisis for All Parents

The US is in a full-blown childcare crisis that could get worse. However, one potential solution appears to be working, but only if governments are willing to step in and help. The crisis is two-fold.

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Getting the Most from your Professional Development

Whether you’re embarking on professional development (PD) to meet state requirements, or you want to invest in your own growth, PD has a number of benefits.

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