ECE Votes: Vote 2020

October 22, 2020

The Council knows that equity in early education is a key part of justice for all. We recognize its value for families and their children, so we’ve always worked to help our early childhood professionals thrive. Now we also urge you to help yourselves by using the power of the vote. It’s especially important as COVID-19 causes many centers to close and others to struggle for survival. At this trying time, we must elect leaders who will give our field the funding it urgently needs. Learn how you can do your part to keep providers open and promote access to early education for our country’s children. Follow our new #ECEVotes campaign, which will go on until Election Day. Visit our social media platforms for up-to-date information on voter registration. And tell us why voting is important to you. Your feedback counts—as does your vote—if we are to be build a just society for all.

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