Climb One Step at a Time!

Sherry King, Florida

After a divorce, school lay-offs, and a serious heart condition, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment when I recently received my CDA. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”. These words have greatly impacted my life. I once lacked confidence to pursue my passion for teaching, but now I have an unquestioning belief that “I canbutton do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”(Philippians 4:13). My family, friends, fiancée, as well as wonderful teachers support my pursuits. I am now getting ready to attain my Directors Creditional, VPK Endorsement, and to enroll in classes to begin my AS in Early Childhood Education. I am no longer fearful, but empowered to go take the next flight of stairs in my career because I am capable and competent in my abilities. Young children are filled with such a sense of wonder and discovery. The journey I take with my Preschoolers each day assures me that I have chosen the right profession. Their destination will be greatly influenced by their dreams and their education. I hope that I can help each child lay down a firm foundation which they can build upon.


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