PDS Discovers the Art of Observation and Guidance Skills

September 28, 2018

Published by CounciLINK on September 28, 2018

stacey-robinsonStacey Robinson earned a degree in elementary education and spent two years in the classroom. But she soon found out her passion was really to work with younger children.

“I have been extremely gratified and can’t imagine doing anything else,” said Robinson, who works as an early childhood specialist with Child Care Central, a division of the Talladega Clay Randolph (TCR) Child Care Corporation in Alabama. TCR operates Head Start, Early Head Start, pre-K, child care and the Parents as Teachers home-visiting program throughout six rural counties in the eastern part of the state.

As an ECE specialist, she is a “reliable rater” for the state’s quality rating and improvement system, the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale, the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale and the Business Administration Scale for family child-care programs. She also observes family child-care providers and provides technical assistance. She said she noticed an increase in young children’s use of technology and in technology being used to teach early literacy skills.

Robinson said she devotes time as a CDA Professional Development Specialist because she enjoys helping early childhood educators learn and grow just as much as she does while working with young children. “I feel that the development of those who are entrusted to teach these children is … important,” Robinson said.


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