The Council Celebrates 45 years of the CDA

September 23, 2020

Join the Council on October 1, 2020, as we mark the 45th anniversary of the CDA. This free, virtual event will honor the history of the CDA and highlight its value for the future of the ECE profession. Learn from esteemed members of the Council community, listen to a special panel featuring men in our field—and look forward to the appearance of a surprise guest.

Remember this is a celebration, so there will also be a virtual dance party, giveaways and a festive toast. Register now for this chance to improve your knowledge—and party with us, too. The more the merrier, so tell your colleagues about the event. Let the celebration begin!

CDA 45th Anniversary: A Virtual Celebration

Date: Thursday, October 1, 2020
Start Time: 3:00 PM (EDT)
End Time: 4:45 PM (EDT)

Register Now


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