The Evolution of Change in Early Childhood Education

September 26, 2019

Published by CounciLINK on September 26, 2019

The Evolution of Change in Early Childhood EducationWhy has early childhood education (ECE) not yet achieved its desired level of impact? Read Reimagining ECE’s Approach to Change, a recent article for the National Institute for Early Education Research by the Council’s CEO, Dr. Valora Washington, and Stacie Goffin, Principal of the Goffin Strategy Group. In the article, the authors explore a systematic view of the status of ECE today and its future potential. We want you to weigh in on this topic and share your thoughts directly with Dr. Washington by emailing her at

Dr. Washington and Goffin also have released the second edition of Ready or Not: Early Care and Education’s Leadership Choices—12 Years Later. To celebrate, order your copy of this wonderful resource at by using the 20% discount coupon code TCP2019 for paperback (apply at checkout); you also can get 20% off for e-book orders (no code required).

This second edition will help everyone whose work impacts the ECE workforce, including those working directly with children, to deepen their commitment to adaptive and systems work and develop the leadership capacity needed to become change agents. Ready or not, early childhood education needs to tackle its adaptive challenges. Nothing less will enable it to shift the field’s developmental trajectory, fulfill its potential and satisfy its obligations to children, families and society.

New for the Second Edition:

• Analyzes what has transpired over the past 12 years and documents why the field’s capacity to lead change remains in question.

• Assesses the extent to which the field has mobilized for field-wide adaptive change and what is still necessary to move forward.

• Positions the six defining questions within the field’s contemporary context.

• Includes a totally new prequel and sequel on “What’s Next” for the field, plus updated notes, references and appendixes.


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