New Report: CDA Recognized as Important in ECE Career Pathways

September 27, 2018

Published by CounciLINK on September 27, 2018

new-reportA new study touting teacher-apprenticeship programs in Pennsylvania outlines how early childhood educators can enhance their careers and even make more money. But first, they have to obtain a Child Development Associate® (CDA) to be eligible for the program.

The report, published this month by the District1199C Training & Upgrading Fund, echoes the Council’s experience that early childhood educators who get specialized training and can demonstrate competencies are better prepared to provide high-quality teaching in the classroom for young children. More specialized training also leads to better jobs with better pay.

The study goes on to say that teachers who obtain their CDA and join the apprentice program can then get credits for completing early childhood courses at the Community College of Philadelphia. Later, they can enroll in an early childhood bachelor degree program that leads to Pennsylvania’s pre-K and fourth-grade early childhood teacher certification. Early childhood apprenticeships aren’t new. West Virginia began an apprenticeship program for Child Development Associates nearly 30 years ago in 1989.


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