Quality Assist and Kaplan Early Learning Provide More than 140 Hours of Online Training Courses for CDA Candidates

December 2, 2017
For Immediate Release :
December 2, 2017
For More Information :

Ken Murphy

The Council for Professional recognition (the Council), which administers the Child Development Associate (CDA®) Credential is collaborating with Quality Assist, Inc.and Kaplan Early Learning to provide professional development opportunities for CDA students. These will be provided in the form of early childhood education courses through Quorum®, an e-learning program run through Quality Assist.

“We are learning more about the ways CDA candidates choose to pursue professional development opportunities to complete the 120 of educational training required for the CDA, and we’re pleased that our partnership with Quality Assist and Kaplan provide access to quality content through online early childhood courses,” said Valora Washington, chief executive officer, Council for Professional Recognition.

This partnership will allow Quality Assist and Kaplan staff to work closely with the Council to support CDA students and help them qualify to apply for their initial CDA.

“We are pleased to work with the Council and to provide an engaging professional development solution for CDA candidates that is high quality and cost-effective,” said Dr. Annette Sibley, president, Quality Assist.

“Kaplan Early Learning Company welcomes the opportunity to support CDA candidates in their classrooms, programs, and with their professional development,” added Matthew Marceron, president, Kaplan Early Learning Company.

The online course platform will provide 24/7 access to more than 140 hours of quality and interactive training for CDA candidates to complete as part of CDA requirements to support the CDA Competency Standards that support the corresponding early childhood setting (family child care, center-based infant toddler, center-based preschool, and home visitor) in which educators work.


The Council for Professional Recognition promotes improved performance and recognition of professionals in the early childhood education of children ages zero to 5 years old. The Council recognizes and credentials professionals who work in all types of early care and education settings –Head Start, pre-k, infant-toddler, family child care, and home visitor programs. As a non-profit agency, the Council sets policies and procedures for assessment and credentialing, publishes the industry leading training books and workbooks, including its CDA Competency Standards and Essentials textbook and workbook (2ndedition). www.cdacouncil.org


Quality Assist developed, administers and owns the Quorum e-Learning courses and professional development system, as well as face-to-face training, for early childhood educators across the country. Quality Assist also offers Parentivity, a unique web-based system that supports parents and caregivers of children from conception to age five with personalized content when they need it most. Quality Assist is known for producing results with early education systems, including federal and state agencies, state QRIS systems, and private and for-profit organizations.


Kaplan Early Learning Company is a leading international provider of products and services that enhance children’s learning. Kaplan is the distributor of the Quorum e-Learning courses and professional development system. As a leader in the field of early care and education, Kaplan brings to market innovative curricula, cutting edge assessments, teacher resource materials, and valuable professional development opportunities to early childhood and elementary school educators, caregivers, and parents around the world. With average employee tenure exceeding ten years, you will always find warm and knowledgeable individuals ready to serve you from our corporate headquarters in Lewisville, North Carolina. Our campus includes a 350,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art distribution center, a 160,000 square-foot warehouse, and two office buildings. Declared one of the best kept secrets in the Triad, our education mega store, which is open to the public, is great for teachers, home schoolers, and parents looking for materials that entertain and educate children.


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