Everything Started with Me Getting My CDA

Chris Schmidt, Ohio

button… My CDA was my stepping point to help me believe that I could go back to college. In the Late 80’s I made a career decision to go to school at the University of Cincinnati in order for me to earn my CDA. Now I have a BA in School-Aged Care, I have worked for the United States Army and I own a child and youth training service company called 2 C R Solutions.

I loved the foundation of knowledge I gained while preparing for my CDA so much that I required all of my staff members to obtain their own CDA credential as well. I believe the CDA process gives you the words to talk to child care professionals and helps you to understand why we do what we do.

If I had to give any advice to someone trying to get their CDA I would say just take it slow and take it serious. Don’t get overwhelmed. Take baby steps – that’s the key.


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