Council for Professional Recognition Congratulates Dr. Miguel Cardona on His Confirmation as Education Secretary

March 1, 2021
For Immediate Release :
March 1, 2021
For More Information :

Usma Mohamed

WASHINGTON, DC — The Council for Professional Recognition congratulates Dr. Miguel Cardona upon his U.S. Senate confirmation as education secretary.

The Council’s CEO, Dr. Calvin Moore, Jr., says, “On behalf of the nearly 1 million early childhood educators who’ve earned a Child Development Associate credential, we look forward to working and partnering with the new secretary and the entire Biden-Harris administration to further improve early learning. The pandemic has bought many challenges, especially in the education sector, but we know with the secretary’s background and knowledge about the value of early learning, we can make great strides.”

Cardona’s early childhood education interests include serving as the co-chairperson of the Connecticut Birth to Grade Three Leaders Council. The stated goal of the leadership council is to “advocate for effective early childhood programming in an effort to help all children be prepared for success in school.”

He also co-led a task force in Connecticut that aimed for “including the provision of full day, accredited preschool for all low-income children and an initiative to ensure that every Connecticut parent has at least a high school degree.”

The CDA, the flagship credential for the early childhood education field, provides a perfect balance of theory and practice. It is: backed by research and professionals in the field; portable; highlights a globally accepted standard; and accessible in 23 languages.


The Council for Professional Recognition promotes improved performance and recognition of professionals in the early childhood education of children ages birth to 5 years old. The Council recognizes and credentials professionals who work in all types of early care and education settings including Head Start, pre-k, infant-toddler, family childcare, and home visitor programs. As a nonprofit organization, the Council sets policies and procedures for assessment and credentialing. To date, over 800,000 CDA credentials have been issued around the world. For more information, visit


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